A whistle-stop tour of 10 top marketing tips

Article by Dee Blick

The Marketing Gym

1. Audit what you’re spending on marketing before plunging into new activities. What should be retained, what should be improved and what jettisoned?

2. You don't have to be unique to be successful. But you must communicate in a clear, positive and unambiguous way all that’s great and good about your franchise.

3. Don't overlook the importance of charm in your communications. Take time over each one so it’s not an obvious afterthought.

4. Most potential franchisees will not arrive at the decision to buy immediately. You may have to play a waiting game. How can you build value in your communication pipeline to keep them engaged?

5. Don't treat your target audiences as one big mass. You’re communicating with individuals. Understand the individual needs that trigger an enquiry and, the ones that generate a sale.

6. Don't jettison traditional marketing - networking, advertising, PR, direct mail and so on in favour of a wholesale shift to social media.

7. Communicate your offering with passion and enthusiasm if you want to inspire others to join your happy band!

8. If you want to build your franchise into a successful brand focus on consistency - delivering a fabulous service to the same high standard every time; clarity - ensuring your messages are clear, attractive and easy to understand and, visibility - ensuring your logo, strap line, all imagery associated with your business is spot on.

9. If you want to put down real roots allocate time for marketing; one day every week if you’re serious about aiming for, and reaching the stars...

10. Always deliver WOWs. Small touches that cost little and elicit the response “WOW I did not expect that.” Sales are built on feel good emotions.

About Dee Blick
Chartered Marketer Dee Blick is a Number 1 bestselling author. The 15 Essential Marketing Masterclasses for Your Small Business has been rated ‘an excellent read’ by The Sun Newspaper, CityAM, Elite Business Magazine, B2B business magazine and is the winner of the Bookbag nonfiction book award and one of Talk Business Magazine’s ‘Best books of 2013’. Dee has just finished writing her 4th book: The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Marketing a Bestselling Book on a Shoestring Budget, available from October 28th. Follow Dee on twitter @deeblick for her latest updates.

Last Updated: 17-January-2020
