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Redefining how we appeal to customers


When it comes to a brand who cares about how it looks to customers, the InXpress franchise is always on trend, ready to attracting customers for franchisees’ business growth.

Running a business which has been around for any number of years, can come with its own challenges. How do you avoid it looking dated and out of touch? This is where the benefit of joining a franchise can really work in your favour, because you don’t have to worry about this side of things… your franchisor will! And true to form, at InXpress, this is something we’re always keen to address so our franchisees never fall behind the competition.

In 2022, we carried out extensive research to better understand how well InXpress was performing in the market, on behalf of our global franchise network. Using surveys, market listening, and by watching some of our competitors, we identified:

  • changing consumer demand
  • what’s next for our industry
  • what consumers want in the future.

As a result of our findings, and in collaboration with the InXpress Brand Development Council (a group of franchisees and the Franchise Support Team who work together for the wider benefit of the brand), we’ve revised how we look. By redefining our key messaging and visual identity, we’re differentiating ourselves from the competition. This will increase awareness and customer stickiness, enabling all our franchisees in all 14 countries to enjoy renewed growth within their businesses.

InXpress are combining almost 25 years of marketing success, with new and impactful visuals. “For any new franchisee joining InXpress, we have a toolkit of marketing tactics to help you start attracting customers to your new business,” explains Melanie Martin, Global Head of Marketing. “We’ll help you to implement your marketing strategy before you open, so you have people you can connect with as soon as you’re ready to go. We also provide training on how to utilise all our marketing tools, to make the loudest noise about what you offer.”

Marketing proven to work

The reason behind the rebrand, is to ensure our marketing continues to work on a local level, as well as with national accounts. Something you’ll really feel empowered by, as you start to see customers shipping through your new InXpress business. It will also help you to simplify, when speaking to customers, exactly how you can help them with all their shipping needs.

“We’ve done a number of exciting campaigns, over the years,” explains Mel. “It helps when one of our Australian franchisees was also a model and actor, so we created an exciting global campaign to explain in simple terms what we do. So, our latest rebrand, and new campaigns will build on this foundation, giving customers a clear understanding of what InXpress can do for them.”

So, what’s new?

The next generation of shipping, as we approach our 25th anniversary! A new video is released today, showcasing the changes, and to inform customers about who we are and what we offer.

Plus: An exciting new campaign, featuring 2017’s World’s Strongest Man and TV presenter, Eddie “The Beast” Hall, which is coming soon… So, watch this space!!

Redefine your future

Now is a great time to join a network who is so focused on the future. So, what does your future hold? Why not speak to us today, to see if our futures can align!

Interested and want to know more about InXpress?

The InXpress profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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