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Interview with Stuart Fisher, Recognition Express, Harrow

Franchisee: Stuart Fisher
Territory: Harrow
Franchise: Recognition Express

Why did you go down the franchise route? And why did you choose the Recognition Express franchise?

I had wanted to run my own business and, after some research, found Recognition Express. I really liked the business model and the industry. Additionally, there was a large spread of products and I knew there was a large marketplace to capitalise in.

After speaking to the franchisor it sounded like a well organised business and that the franchise team went the extra mile to help the franchisees.

What did you do before taking up a franchise?

Before I became a Recognition Express franchisee, I was an Accountant

How did you raise the finance?

In order to invest in the franchise business I applied for a bank loan which paid for 65% and the 35% came from my own savings.

What training and support did you receive initially and ongoing?

The initial training took place over 2 weeks; it covered production, marketing, and purchasing.

The on-going training included regional meetings/development meetings/annual conferences. Additionally, I meet up with other franchisees, seeing what new initiatives there are from our franchisor. There are, also, quarterly meetings with the franchisor to discuss strategy for business

What is a typical day for you as a Recognition Express franchisee?

My day to day duties and responsibilities include: going out to meeting with clients, marketing the business, networking, preparing /following up quotes, and dealing with suppliers.

What challenges have you faced?

The challenges that I have faced so far would be building the business from a zero base of no clients. However, now that I have done that, I now have to focus on how to balance my time marketing for new clients, as well as keeping my key accounts on side.

Has becoming a Recognition Express franchisee changed your life, if so how?

Yes, it has changed my life. I am working a lot harder, but more highly motivated as it’s my own business.

What marketing/promotional tools do you use to grow your franchise?

In order to market the business there is an ‘Annual Brochure’ and a whole library of marketing literature on offer from the Franchisor. There are also promotional products, telemarketing services, and regular networking.

What differentiates your franchise from the competition?

What separates Recognition Express from the competition is the personal service; it’s about adding additional value for my clients in order to develop long term business relationships so the clients come back to me regularly.

In your opinion, what makes a successful franchisee?

A successful franchisee works hard with a ‘can do’ attitude. Also, they have an enthusiasm for the business, are honest, and communicate regularly with clients.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of buying their first franchise?

If you are looking into franchising, you need to be committed, focused, and disciplined on a daily basis to building the business.

What are your plans for the future?

My own plans for the future involve carrying on building my business and having a good spread of good quality clients.

Would you do it again?

Yes! Absolutely!

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