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OSCAR: A flexible, friendly family business

Franchisees: Rachel and Andy Jackson
Territory: Welwyn, Hertfordshire
Franchise: OSCAR Pet Food

An OSCAR pet food home delivery franchise is designed to support self-employment in conjunction with life-changing experiences - as Rachel and Andy Jackson from Welwyn will confirm.

“Having purchased an OSCAR resale franchise our focus in the first twelve months of trading was to consolidate good relationships with existing customers and to reassure them that the only change to their service was a new face. The experience also helped us to learn more about the art of customer relations while giving us the building blocks towards establishing new business.

“Through recommendations, referrals, canvassing and shows we are proving just how much of a difference we have made in providing a convenient, complete pet care service. Satisfaction is being able to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle for every pet while helping other pets with underlying problems. Within six months a change of diet has not only helped the condition of an aging Collie suffering with colitis, it has also improved the quality of life for an elderly Newfoundland.

“Our customers love the local, family business concept and having initially introduced our dog Heno to the sales force we have since become the proud parents of William, who is now included in our team. We have found the benefits of our OSCAR business perfect; having the flexibility of working from home we are able to accommodate family life with our customers’ needs.

“Coming from a background of project management we have planned our progress in stages but with the dedicated support from an established organisation we are able to enjoy our success in the midst of some very big changes in our personal life.”

Interested and want to know more about OSCAR Pet Foods ?

The OSCAR Pet Foods profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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