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Enjoy a work / life balance with Raring2go!


  • Name: Kiri St George
  • Location: Worthing West Sussex
  • Franchise: Raring2go!
  • Date launched the franchise: 2010

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to buying your Raring2go! franchise?
I worked in insurance for 14 years before having my 2 daughters. I had 6 years at home with them and then as our youngest started school, I started the franchise.

Can you also tell us about the franchise you have bought?
The franchise suited me as whilst it was a new challenge and something very different from my previous experience in insurance it allowed me to still do everything I needed to do for my daughters, creating a balance between home and work.

Why did you go down the franchise route? What made you choose the advertising industry? And why a Raring2go! franchise?
As my daughters were still very young, to have the opportunity of working around my family was very appealing, allowing me to work to my own schedule.

Raring2go! certainly offered great support and training with Head Office being on hand all the time and that with a great network support, it gave lots of reassurance.

How did you raise the finance?
I was lucky to have help from my parents and working out a repayment agreement that worked for us both.

What training and support did you receive initially and ongoing?
I had lots of experience dealing with the public in person and on the phone, but I hadn’t worked in sales before. The training given was stripped back to the basics for me and looking at all aspects of sales, taking me through all scenarios that I would come across, allowing me to deliver what was needed. The training carried on until I was ready and comfortable, but Head Office were and are still always there and there is never a bad time to ask for help and it was always drummed into me that there is no such thing as a stupid question.

How would you describe your day-to-day role as a franchisee
I start my day with phone calls around 9.30. When I started the franchise, I worked till 2pm, to then look to the school run. Now I work till around 4pm and there is a mix of calls, emails and visits out to new and existing customers, with a coffee here and there and a crafty walk along the beach!

Provide information on challenges overcome as well as your key successes to date. Please also detail the steps you have taken to manage the business during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It was hard initially to be working on my own and in my home, but lots of calls to Head Office and other editors made me feel I wasn’t alone. I then got used to it and factored in time out too, so maybe just going out for a coffee or meeting a friend for a walk, but also arranging meetings with potential advertisers really helped. We had a lot of help from Head Office during the pandemic with costs involved in the franchise, being reduced, which relieved any pressure, getting used to a new way of working life. As things had shifted for the magazine in lockdown, we could turn more attention to our website and helping businesses online, plus keeping a regular reach out to our readers to share whatever information we could. We maintained a presence throughout the pandemic and showed support to businesses and families.

Has becoming a franchisee changed your life?
It certainly has opened up my eyes to showing myself I can achieve what I need to with a new experience and challenging myself to prove to customers they can buy from me and trust me to deliver what I say I can.

How do you achieve a work-life balance?
As my girls were at school, I worked while they were at school and as soon as they were home, the laptop was turned off. Now my girls are adults, I work longer in the day but am mindful to have my family time in the evenings and work waits till the next day.

If you are a multi-unit franchisee, can you tell us why your franchise is ideal for those looking for a scalable opportunity?

I only have one area but the business does suit being an editor for multiple areas. You can sell across areas and some of the content in the magazines can be the same, which helps on costs and time. Editors can also appoint managers to look after an area or multiple areas however it suits them.

What is the most invaluable piece of advice you could give someone looking to buy their first franchise?
Research the area, ask as many questions as you need to. This franchise will give you flexibility, require work, give you ups and downs (as life does!) but you’ll reap the rewards not just in business but in life too.  

In your opinion, what makes a successful franchisee?
Someone who is honest to themselves, can be themselves, has a strong mindset and is prepared to be successful – whatever success means to them. 

What are your plans for the future?
This franchise still suits me and my family life and each magazine brings new experiences. I’m sure as I get older I will move on to something else but until then, I’m happy to carry on sharing as much as I can with local families and building more great working friendships.

If you had to do it all again, what would you do differently?
I’m not sure there is anything to be honest. It was harder at the very beginning, juggling being at home alone after 6 years with my daughters and starting a new job but over time, I found my feet. Life got easier still as my daughters grew up and with the help of the network around me, I feel the magazines are going from strength to strength.

Interested and want to know more about Raring2go!?

The Raring2go! basic profile outlines aspects of their franchise opportunity

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