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New Cloud and iPad based system for OPC

OPC are very pleased to announce the launch of the new ConsignPak and FAST operating systems for our UK franchisees.

Following several years of research and development we are delighted that we can now provide a proven web based application to be used on a standard iPad. This replaces the huge administration burden for our franchisees, their retailers and our National Account retailers ensuring an accurate, safe and secure transfer of invoiced data.

In addition, the FAST system will deliver sales data by range to help OPC franchisees analyse the performance of every OPC product display in every retail store. This will easily demonstrate what changes, if any, can be made to the balance of OPC products to ensure the optimum profit generation for both retailers and franchisees.

Although our existing product ranges and service offer deliver outstanding results versus our competitors, this launch provides our franchisees with the greatest opportunity to further improve their results.

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